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Welcome to! This page provides information about how the website works and the special tokens used on the platform. Below is a breakdown of the collective posting process, special tokens and what they represent:

1. Open vs Closed Posts

There are two types of posts: Open and Closed. Open posts are the ongoing posts to which users can still contribute words to. In contrast, closed posts can no longer be modified by users.

2. Contribute to Open Posts

You and other users can suggest words or sentences (any tokens up to 48 characters in general) to show up on a currently open post. Whey submitted, there will appear either or symbol next to your token. symbol indicates that if your token gets selected to appear on the post, it will not force the post to be closed, and in contrast, symbol will make the post become closed.

2.1. Special Tokens

\del deletes the last token appearing on the post.

\eop forces the post to become closed and no longer editable.

Anything that ends with either . or ? or ! forces the post to become closed and no longer editable.

3. Rounds

To let everyone post collectively, there are rounds. Each round is 5 minutes and users can post their unique suggestions/tokens as comments under an open post as many times as they want. If your token has already been posted by someone else, you can just give it an upvote. At the end of each round the most upvoted token is selected and appended to the current content of the post. A new round is then created to repeat the process. The only time a new round is not created is when the most upvoted token from the previous round was an EOP (End Of Post) token.

4. Scoring

On your profile page, you will see that you have Points and Hit Rate. Points indicate your engagements. Each comment worths 1 point and if it appears on a closed post you are also given extra +2 points as a bonus. Hit rate indicates how often your suggestions have ended up appearing on the closed posts.